On November 7th, 2018, I was told that my position at work was being eliminated and my last day of employment was November 9th. I had been at the company for 19 years, so this was a complete shock. I was in denial at first and even repeated, “This is a mistake” when I was told. As a single mom of a teenager, this is definitely not something I wanted to hear. My super achiever self immediately went into ‘get a job’ mode and started frantically calling/contacting every single person I knew for the next few days, until I realized that it wasn’t healthy for me to take this approach. Luckily, I was working with a Master’s student who was giving me executive coaching and she reminded me to slow down and to come up with a game plan for obtaining a new job. Throughout November, I made a promise to myself to not only have a game plan, but to also take care of me and let the dust settle from a 19-year tenure at the same company. I was able to make great strides in updating my resume and my linked in profile, in addition to connecting with people I know inside and outside of the industry.

In late November, I was told by a friend to take off December. My friend reminded me that no one is hiring in December and people are focused on the holidays. I decided to take her advice, although admittedly I do check the jobs on Linked In twice a week (for me, that’s good!). I started focusing on ME and not only worked out at the gym, but I also did yoga and started meditating everyday. It was really hard to meditate and to focus with all the thoughts that were going through my mind; although it was good it wasn’t long enough and wasn’t giving me the decompression that I was longing for, so I kept searching for something that would give me life altering healing and I found it! I first experienced sound meditation at a women’s retreat in Sedona this past September. During the hour session, it was difficult to concentrate, but towards the end, revelations started coming in and tears started to flow. When the session was over, everyone was teared up. It was truly an amazing experience.

Sound meditation is meditation that incorporates sounds that help create deep relaxation, manage stress, create internal peace, help your heart, create better sleep, and reduce anxiety, just like regular meditation. The difference is this type of meditation usually incorporates Tibetan or crystal bowls that create sound. I am so happy I remembered this amazing experience and I started sound meditation daily for 45 minutes to 1 hour. I simply go on You Tube and search ‘sound meditation’ or ‘sound meditation, tibetan bowls”. These are two of my favorites: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kSaOxSLEHfg and https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oCPoG3EGwVw. This experience has truly been life altering. Each time, I take away another revelation about myself, which goes deep into my soul. I’m becoming aware of who I am at a much deeper level. Every time so far, I’ve been in tears. I view these tears as cleansing, healing tears. I feel that this experience is filling me up with abundance for myself. I know the more abundance I have inside my body and soul, the more I can give to others.