
1 pound of organic ground turkey (I love Plainville)

1 large white onion

2-3 cloves of garlic

3/4 cup of panic breadcrumbs

1 egg (for vegans, omit the egg)

1 TBS Parsley

1 TBS Basil

1 TBS Oregano

1 tsp salt

1 tsp pepper

1/2 cup Parmesan Cheese (for vegans, you can substitute with Parma parmesan cheese)

1 tsp Annie’s Organic Worcestershire Sauce

A dash of nutmeg


  1. Place turkey meat in medium bowl.
  2. Finely dice the onion and mince the garlic.
  3. On the stovetop, brown onions and garlic until soft 3-5 minutes
  4. Add mixture to turkey meat and mix well.
  5. Add egg, mix well, then add breadcrumbs and mix again.
  6. Add each spice one at a time mixing in between.
  7. Add salt and pepper.
  8. Mix in Parmesan Cheese
  9. Add the Worcestershire Sauce and mix.
  10. Add a dash of nutmeg (after cooking, you will know exactly how much nutmeg to add the second time by the taste); less is more to start.
  11. Mix all the ingredients thoroughly and create turkey patties using your hands.
  12. Grill, sauce, or bake turkey burgers until cooked to your perfection.  I like to grill them for 7-8 minutes and VOILA!
  13. Place on a regular bun or lettuce bun and top with condiments of your choice